Products & Services |
GPM™ Fermented Vitamins & Minerals
Self-directed consumers look for ways to incorporate health into all aspects of their lives. They are sitting less and walking more. They are looking for sugar reduction and more fermented products, probiotics, and fruit extracts. They are thinking about their food in a broader way. Some are concerned about the environment and are reducing consumption of animal proteins and selecting botanical extracts including aloe vera. They are concerned about the source of their food and the quality of life of the farmers who grow it. The solvers at Ashland have a variety of product options that can help you meet the needs of today’s health conscious consumers.
Our latest solutions
- Bimuno® GOS prebiotic
- GPM™ vitamins and minerals
- n-dur XR™ drink technology base
- NordicCherry® tart cherry extract
- Phase 2™ carb controller for reduced starch absorption
- Stable Fizz™ effervescent base
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